New name, new look, still naked

We’ve never been shy about who we are.
We make unbleached tissue products with less environmental impact than the standard.
We don’t use harsh chemicals, we don’t offset, we don’t greenwash. Our tissue is the colour of paper, not the colour of bleach.
Brown toilet rolls start conversations. We wanted our brand to do the same.
Today, we’re introducing Naked Paper.
We’re the same team making the same soft, sustainable products. With our new name we’re coming back to the basics; taking the simple, down-to-earth approach that’s steered us so far and making a feature of it.
Like we’ve always said; small change, big difference.

Naked Sprout is becoming Naked Paper
We started Naked Sprout in 2020 with a simple observation; white toilet paper is bleached toilet paper, but who decided bleached was better than brown? Why use extra chemicals and energy to change the natural colour of something you’re going to flush away?
We knew our bleach-free products would draw attention. We just had to find a name that did them justice.
Naked Sprout made sense to us at the time. As a fledgling business our name was fresh, natural, and gave a nod to the fast-growing bamboo in our tissue.
But it turns out not everyone hears “sprout” and thinks “bamboo”. Five years on, and hundreds of questions about brussels sprouts later, we’ve grown as a team and as a business. We’re not just starting out any more. And with recycled products in the picture, it’s bigger than bamboo.
So now we’re Naked Paper. Our products are simple and straightforward, and so is our name.
Thanks and farewell to the sprouts. We’ll save them for Christmas.

A new logo
A new name calls for a new logo. Again, we wanted something that echoes the simplicity of the products themselves.
So, we looked at the shape of our rolls. Toilet paper unravels from neat circles into soft curves and natural lines. We’ve brought these shapes into our logo.
You’ll see it most clearly in our “NP” logo mark; two letters, arranged like a roll unfurling. It’s bold, clear, and easy to recognise.
An unbleached palette
Brown toilet paper is different from the norm. We’re taking the opportunity to put the difference front and centre.
We’re using beige for our main colour, the same shade as our unbleached bamboo tissue, and for contrast a deeper earth brown. Pink provides an accent. It sits harmoniously with the brown shades and warms things up a bit.
And if you’re a fan of our recycled rolls you’ll know the cardboard we use to make them lends a slightly pinkish hue compared to the pale brown of bamboo. So there’s that too.

Full circle
We’re not changing who we are. We’ll still be printing our climate footprint on our boxes, and we’ll still be sharing all the details of how we make our tissue.
Our products aren’t changing, and just so there’s no waste, we'll be using the old branded boxes for as long as we have them. But look out for the new ones coming very soon.
At Naked Paper we make bleach-free toilet paper, kitchen roll, and facial tissues, without compromise. No harsh chemicals, no plastic, no nonsense. Our products can speak for themselves. We wanted to make sure our new brand reflects the thoughtful simplicity of every sheet and roll.
Let us know if you have any feedback, we'd love to hear what you think.
We hope you love the changes as much as we do.