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Modern Slavery Statement

This is a voluntary statement published in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015. It sets out the steps taken by the Naked Paper Limited to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in its business and supply chains.

About Naked Paper

Naked Paper is a private limited company, which launched in the UK in 2020. Naked Paper provides more sustainable alternatives to household products. Naked Paper is managed by its founders Leila Francis Colman and Thomas Whelan.

Naked Paper is a Living Wage employer and is committed to maintaining a non-discriminatory and respectful working environment for its staff. Naked Paper is committed to ensuring that there is no form of modern slavery or human trafficking within our organisation or in our supply chains.

Our supply chain

Raw materials are sourced from Spain and from Hunan Province, China. Naked Paper recognises that China has been identified as a high risk territory. We work directly with factories who manufacture our products. We ensure that any suppliers are FSC certified to assist us in ensuring that certain standards are met throughout our supply chain. 

Naked Paper and our factory are certified B Corps, and have committed to a declaration on employee welfare as part of our certification.

Naked Paper operates from DPD’s warehouse facility in the UK. Naked Paper is delivered to consumers by DPD. DPD’s Modern Slavery Statement is published online here:

Naked Paper will continue to assess all our delivery partners for their ethical practices and environmental credentials.


In preparation for publishing our first voluntary statement, Naked Paper has taken the following steps:

- Informed, and made training available to, all employees about the Modern Slavery Act 2015, types of forced labour, general indicators of modern slavery, and how to report suspected incidents.

- Established processes to ensure new and existing suppliers align with Naked Papers commitments to the Modern Slavery Act 2015.

Performance indicators

Naked Paper will use the following to measure the success and suitability of steps taken;

- Completion of training by employees and following assessment score.

- Completion of supplier assessment by Naked Paper.

- Instances of non-compliance.

This statement has been approved by;

Leila Francis Coleman, Director of Naked Paper Limited